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“Let me think about that for a minute…”

Silence is a powerful leadership skill.

During September, we have been looking at the role silence plays in the workplace. Silence serves as a strategic communication tool that can help leaders foster understanding, collaboration, and trust within their teams, making it an essential skill in effective leadership.

Continuing to ponder using the power of silence:

  • Manage conflicts. In tense situations, silence can serve as a cooling-off period, allowing emotions to settle and individuals to reconsider their approach. This can prevent the escalation of conflicts and promote healthier communication.
  • Lead by example. Leaders who demonstrate the ability to listen attentively and withhold judgment until they’ve processed information set a precedent for their team to do the same. This encourages a culture of open dialogue and thoughtful decision-making.
  • Create anticipation. Silence before making a significant announcement or introducing a new initiative can create a sense of anticipation and curiosity among the team. This can generate excitement and engagement as people eagerly await the leader’s next move.
  • Support nonverbally. Sometimes, silence itself can be a gesture of support and empathy. A leader’s presence during difficult times, without necessarily saying anything, can provide comfort and demonstrate solidarity with the team.
  • Respect diversity. In multicultural or diverse settings, allowing a moment of silence can honor different cultural practices, religious observances, or personal reflection time. This shows sensitivity to the varied backgrounds of team members.
  • Encourage autonomy. By not immediately providing solutions, leaders can empower their team members to think critically and come up with their own ideas. This autonomy boosts creativity and confidence among team members.
  • The next time someone asks you a tough question, say, “Let me think about that for a minute.” Then be silent before you answer. Note how the quality of your answer improves with a little time to think.
  • When irritation arises, pause, be silent for a moment to rebalance before speaking.


Is it kind? Is it true? Is it beneficial? Is it the right time?

RelationSmiths, Nancy and Sharon

This week’s challenge: Notice how your silence creates other’s growth.

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