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Use your heart and your mind to be an effective leader.

Heart and mind at work

A leader’s good mind may drive efficiency, but a good heart cultivates a harmonious work environment – both are essential for long-term success.

Love in the workplace means seeing humans as one family while fostering inclusivity and interconnection.

One human family

The idea of one human family, as articulated by Desmond Tutu, transcends divisions and promotes a sense of unity. 

In a workplace that embraces ‘oneness’, individuals see beyond differences, fostering a spirit of inclusivity and understanding. 

Silence is a powerful leadership skill.

“Let me think about that for a minute…”

Silence has a role in the workplace. Silence serves as a strategic communication tool that can help leaders foster understanding, collaboration, and trust within their teams.

Leadership depends on both what you say and what you don't say.

The power of silence

We think the power of a leader rests on saying the the right thing at the right time. But leadership also includes the ability to be silent. Here’s how.

The 4 traits of a future-ready leader include adaptability and emotional intelligence.

Make your leadership sizzle

As we move forward in a rapidly changing world, certain skills, such as adaptability, become indispensable for individuals aspiring to be future-ready leaders.

Practice your inner smile

What’s Love Got to Do With It?

As a leader, ask yourself: Do my colleagues matter to me? Am I present and respectful to them? Am I generous-spirited? 

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