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Breathe and trust with the wind at your back

Love is at your back

Each day take several relaxed breaths and trust.

Practice your inner smile

What’s Love Got to Do With It?

As a leader, ask yourself: Do my colleagues matter to me? Am I present and respectful to them? Am I generous-spirited? 

Have a radical new year by being yourself.

Radical New Year

You are already enough. Stop working so hard to be someone else.

What will make your heart sing?

The Clean Slate

A new year is a fresh chance to dream your biggest dream, live large and love fully. What do you want to inscribe on this clean slate?

Be grateful for every little thing, especially the hard things


Be thankful for every little thing, especially the hard things.

The power of pausing for self reflection

The Power of Pausing

Moving forward powerfully demands pausing along the way to see and appreciate who we’ve become.  

Go beyond differences to what connects us

Beyond differences

Differences do not need to separate us from one another.

Expectations create a veil that prevents us from seeing clearly.

The richness of difference

Who’s to say our way is best? Differences and quirks make the world a more interesting place.

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